Internal funding opportunities:
In the MS program, we are proud to offer a large number of highly competitive scholarships to our accepted applicants. Each year the College of Education offers a wide variety of scholarships that students in the MS program are competitive for. Please see the College of Education scholarship for details. This year we are proud to announce an additional $24,000 in scholarships from the Graduate Laurels Block Grant program. These highly competitive scholarships provide funding for students from under-represented populations in graduate education that also meet high academic standards.
Please note: Scholarship applications will only be available and accepted once an applicant has been accepted into the MS program. Scholarship information will be included as part of the acceptance packet. These funding opportunities happen early in Winter term so be sure to apply by the January deadline to be competitive.
External funding opportunities:
Many external funding opportunities exist for mathematics and science teachers. We invite you to search the web for opportunities that match your qualifications. Some scholarships that alumni of the program have received include: