General Contacts
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 541-737-4661
- Visit Student Services in Furman Hall, 200 SW 15th Street, Suite 104, Corvallis. Business hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST.
- Staff and Faculty Directory
Leadership Team
Dean: Susan K. Gardner
Executive Support Specialist to Deans: Stephanie L. Siegel
Associate Dean of Research: Jana Bouwma-Gearhart
Department Head, Counseling and Adult and Higher Education: Thomas Field
Department Head, Educational Practice and Research: Sara Schley
Director of Data, Accreditation, and Assessment: Brian Doore
Manager of Operations: Sheri Lopez
Finance & Contracts Manager: Leroy Fenn
Director of Marketing and Communications: Marsh Myers
Marketing & Communications
- Director of Marketing and Communications: Marsh Myers
- Marketing and Communications Coordinator: Shirley Wang
Academic Contacts
- Department of Educational Practice and Research Chair: Sara Schley
Department of Counseling, Adult, and Higher Education Chair: Thom Field
Director of Teacher Licensure: Sara Wright
Licensure and Placement Coordinator: Karyn Costello
Graduate Program Specialist: Gosia Wojtas
- Peer Ambassadors
Continuing Education
Development and Advancement
- Senior Director of Development II, Division of Arts and Science: Grady Goodall
- Assistant Director of Development: Rileigh Seaton