Learning outcomes for Oregon State University’s Master of Science in Education- Math or Science Education are based on the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards (standards begin on page 16.) Each Teacher Candidate will be assessed on the University Graduate Learning Outcomes and Performance Indicators. See the following download or link to Performance indicators. Download Performance Indicators for Candidate Completers.
Program Retention and Progress Policy
The Master of Science (MS) in Education is a compressed ten-month program that runs from June to June. Students must complete 47-53 program credits, an ESOL Foundation course, and three graduate subject area courses. Student’s progress is monitored at the end of each term to ensure graduate program requirements are met (3.0 GPA and a passing score of a C in all classes). Because student teaching skills build from one term to the next, Teacher Candidates must earn a C or better in all course work and receive a satisfactory evaluation from their Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor at the end of each term. Without a satisfactory evaluation Teacher Candidates will not move on to the next term. Teacher Candidates cannot move on to the next term of student teaching with an Incomplete in a course. In addition, Teacher Candidates must pass SED 509 in order to move on to fall term SED 510 I (fall student teaching), and then must pass SED 510 fall to move on to winter SED 510 II (part-time student teaching). Teacher Candidates must past winter SED 510 II to move on to spring term of student teaching. Teacher Candidates must pass SED 510 III (spring term student teaching/510 assignments) in order to be recommended for a teaching license.
University: Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) for Masters Students
Assessed by completing a masters project and oral exam.
Assessed by passing scores on state subject exams and successful completion of method courses in your option.
- Assessed by completion of Ethical research practices: SED 506 Projects course grade.
- Ethical teaching practices: TSPC Teaching Summary Report scoring guide.
- Assessed by a passing score on edTPA
- Assessed by passing scores on observations of teaching.