
Here are the application program requirements:, and OSU Graduate School requirements:

For details regarding international admissions, you can visit:  

Yes! A number of our students work full or part-time while they are pursuing their degree. The program attempts to schedule required coursework on only a few days a week and often in later afternoons in order to accommodate those who are working. 

No! Many students enroll part-time throughout their PhD program. 

The Education PhD at OSU is designed as a campus-based program, located in Corvallis, Oregon. We do not offer our core courses in an on-line format, however some elective courses in the College of Education and across campus may be offered on-line or in a hybrid format.  

Our program does not require a GRE. 

OSU Graduate School makes that determination based on transcripts and other application materials that are submitted with an application. Information is available on the graduate school website. Exceptions to English language testing for a number of English speaking countries are listed. 

Students are accepted into the program one time per year, for matriculation the following fall term. The applications portal opens mid-September for the admission for the following Fall. The priority deadline to be considered for admission and funding is December 1.  The regular deadline for admissions decisions is January 2, 2023. 

We do not require you to have a faculty sponsor during the admissions process because the decisions are made collectively by the faculty.  If one of our faculty’s research areas resonates with you, you should focus on that connection in your admission application essay. You can also name potential faculty mentors in your application, but faculty still assign Major Professors after admission.  

The College of Education offers a few graduate teaching and research assistantships based on a number of factors, such as what funding is available, if the student has research interest in an area that aligns with one of our faculty, faculty advising capacity, grant funding parameters, among other things. GA placements are determined by the faculty once students are accepted into the program.  Other GA positions are often available through an application process with administrative units throughout the university. 

To be considered for a graduate research or teaching assistantship or a fellowship, please submit an application by December 1. (The final deadline for applicants not seeking an assistantship or fellowship is January 2). Only those applications with all the required documents at the deadline will be considered by the faculty. If your application is missing a reference letter or transcript, the faculty will not review it. 

Yes, the Graduate School may approve up to 39 credits to be transferred towards your Education PhD degree, depending on the option you are focusing on (AgEd, LEEP, Sci/Math Ed) and a number of other factors. Review the Graduate School’s information on transfer credits for more information.