Research in the News Archive
edTPA Steps to Success: Elementary Education Literacy Tasks 1-3
Dr. Rachael Schuetz, Senior Instructor of Education at the OSU-Cascades campus, has written about her experience in supporting student success in the edTPA assessment required for teacher candidates who want to be licensed in Oregon. Her chapter in A Practical Guide for edTPA Implementation; Lessons From the Field outlines a ten-step plan to help teacher education programs support their candidates in the three literacy tasks that are part of the Elementary Education Literacy handbook. You can find the book and her chapter titled edTPA Steps to Success: Elementary Education Literacy Tasks 1-3, through Information Age Publishing.
LatinX student enrollments in community colleges in the United States are rapidly growing, yet LatinX student success rates have not matched this growth. Drs. Rachael Cate, an alumna of the Education PhD program, and Darlene Russ-Eft, Professor Emeritus of the College of Education, published the results of their study of community learning testimonios written by Latin American movement leaders in Power and Education (August 27, 2019). Their analysis identified recurrent themes across the testimonios that can assist community colleges to develop synergy through the cultivation of partnerships and by coordinating national and community resources to facilitate pragmatic solutions to social issues.
Dr. Deborah Rubel receives prestigious publication award
Dr. Rubel, Associate Professor of Counseling, along with her co-editor Dr. Jane Atieno Okech, received the 2019 Publication in Counselor Education and Supervision Award from the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision for their book Counselor Education in the 21st Century: Issues and Experiences. Please join us in congratulating them on this achievement!
Researching for the Literature Review
The Office of the Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Advancement in conjunction with the College Research and Scholarship Committee invited students (and any interested faculty) to attend the webinar “Researching for the Literature Review” on Wednesday, September 30th at 6:00 p.m. Students learned what the literature review is and how to get started, how to keep track of sources, searches and new research, and how to use library resources more effectively.
We invited Education students (and any interested faculty) to attend the webinar “Manage your Research Data” on Thursday, May 7th at 5:30 p.m. The session was recorded and is available on the website.
Dr. Neta Shaby awarded the NARST 2020 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Dr. Neta Shaby, SYNERGIES post-doctoral scholar in the College of Education, has been awarded the NARST 2020 Outstanding Dissertation Award. NARST is the leading global organization focused on research on science learning and teaching, and this is a highly competitive and prestigious award. This honor recognizes that Neta Shaby’s dissertation, entitled Understanding the interactions in science museums - A longitudinal study of elementary school students, was judged by her NARST colleagues on the Selection Subcommittee to have the greatest merit and significance in the field of Science Education from among all dissertations nominated for the award this year.
Dr. Lucy Arellano, Assistant Professor of Education, announces a new publication
This new publication: Transforming campus racial climates: Examining discourses around student experiences of racial violence and institutional (in)action, will appear in the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education; the advance publication is currently online.
Dr. Amanda Kibler's new book, Longitudinal Interactional Histories: Bilingual and Biliterate Journeys of Mexican Immigrant-origin Youth, discusses bilingualism, multilingualism and bi-literacy among immigrant-origin youth using the qualitative case studies of five multilingual immigrant youth.
Overcoming Barriers in Access to High Quality Education After Matriculation
Sophie Pierszalowski, Doctoral Student in Education, highlights three guiding strategies for "structuring institutional diversity action plans that will help ensure equitable access to undergraduate research experiences" in a recent publication in the Journal of STEM Education.
Exploring Practices of Science Coordinators Participating in Targeted Professional Development
College of Education Associate Dean Randy Bell co-authored a research article on the impacts of professional development for school district science coordinators. The article, which recently appeared in Science Education, reports the outcomes of one aspect of Dr. Bell’s $28 million U.S. Department of Education Investing in Innovation (i3) grant: the Virginia Initiative for Science Teaching and Achievement.
Dr. Tali Tal, Professor of Science Education at the Technion and current NARST President spoke and offered a Q&A session on January 9th on citizen science as a bridge between formal and informal, school and out-of-school science education.
Building Linguistically Integrated Classroom Communities: The Role of Teacher Practices
Amanda Kibler, Associate Professor in Education, discusses how adolescents' peer networks affect linguistic integration in middle school classrooms in a new article in the American Educational Research journal. Dr. Kibler and her associates seek to answer two questions: "(a) How do demographics differ in classrooms with more or less academic peer network linguistic integration? and (b) How do teachers’ classroom practices relate to differences in the linguistic integration of students’ academic peer networks?"
Third Annual Ambitious Math and Science Summer Institute
Middle and high school math and science teachers, teacher leaders, and STEM education administrators supporting STEM educators joined us June 18 to June 21, 2019 for the Third Annual Ambitious Math and Science Summer Institute. This year the theme was building teacher and student agency and ownership for ambitious math and science teaching and learning.
A new article on public engagement training programs by Drs. Cat Stylinski and Martin Storkdieck, along with former research assistant Nicolette Canzoneri was published in the International Journal of Science Education.
Unveiling Impact Identities: A Path for Connecting Science and Society
Our very own Drs. Julie Risien and Martin Storksdieck had an article published in the August issue of the journal Integrative and Comparative Biology. Julie and Martin propose a process for scientists to develop their "impact identity" in the interest of strengthening both personal outcomes and positive outcomes for society.
WEBINAR: Measuring STEM Identity, Interest, and Engagement
Tuesday, August 13, members of the Center for Informal Science Education (CAISE) Evaluation & Measurement Task Force offered a webinar on defining and measuring STEM identity, interest, and engagement.
Speakers include: Kevin Crowley, University of Pittsburgh, Kelly Riedinger, Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning at Oregon State University, Amy Grack Nelson, Science Museum of Minnesota, and Mac Cannady, Lawrence Hall of Science.
Dr. Cynthia B. Dillard, from the University of Georgia, presented two distinguished speaker talks on May 1st.
The College of Education was pleased to host distinguished speaker Dr. Cynthia B. Dillard in two talks on Wednesday, May 1st:
It’s About (Re)membering: Black Women Teachers and the Spirit of our Work and To Change the Energy in the Room: Embracing Ubuntu in the Work of Equity and Diversity.
Dr. Vasti Torres to spoke at OSU on March 21, 2019
Dr. Vasti Torres, Professor in the Center for the study of Higher and Postsecondary Education and associate faculty member of Latina/o Studies at the University of Michigan, visited the College of Education as a Distinguished Speaker on March 21, 2019. Her talk at 10:00 a.m. in 202 Kidder Hall focused on: Links between identity and learning for Latino Students. She spoke again at 4:00 in 112 Kearney Hall on: Organizing for Student Success in Higher Education.
Dr. Troy Sadler Distinguished Speaker presentation March 5, 2019
Dr. Troy Sadler, Professor and Associate Dean of Research at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of Education, visited the College of Education as a distinguished speaker. He spoke on Socio-Scientific issues and model based learning: Research on Student learning and teacher practice and also on Using issues as context for STEM education: Research-based insights for improving teaching and learning.
Math Education Alumna Presents Colloquium in the Department of Mathematics
Dr. Gulden Karakok, an alumna of Math Education, presented a Colloquium on Monday, November 5, 2018 at 4:00 pm in Kearney 212. The talk was titled Mathematical Creativity in Proving and Problem Solving - Use of the Creativity-in-Progress “Rubric” (CPR).
A new analysis of multilingual students’ academic progress by Karen Thompson, Associate Professor of Education, shows that the group’s achievement in reading and math grew substantially between 2003 and 2015, challenging the perception that these students have demonstrated few academic gains in recent years.
OSU lands $1 million grant to improve undergraduate instruction in STEM
We are pleased to announce that the Center for Research on Life Long STEM learning collaborative project with OSU's College of Science and the Division of Undergraduate Education has been awarded $1 million from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Inclusive Excellence Initiative! The goal of the initiative is to improve student engagement in science and help schools become more inclusive of those from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, first-generation students, and working adults with families.
A phenomenological study of community college students’ experiences with mentor teachers
This study by Gloria Crisp, Associate Professor of Education in Adult and Higher Education, and her colleagues, explored the relationships and experiences of community college science and mathematics majors with their mentor teachers and how those experiences influenced their interest in teaching.
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), would like to invite all Scholars, Faculty, Staff, Instructors, Advisors, and GTAs to participate in a certificated series of teaching workshops. Tuesday Teaching Talks supports the development of skills in the planning of curriculum, facilitation of instruction, and assessment of learning. Tuesday Teaching Talks is entering its third year and is the hallmark of CTL. Participants may attend one, some, or all. The 2-hour workshops are every Tuesday and are facilitated twice in Milam 215 from 10-12 a.m. and again at 2-4 p.m. No need to register – just come on by. For more information or questions, please contact Brooke Howland.
Teachers Educating All Multilingual Students (TEAMS) Grant
With a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, OSU is also helping more teachers earn their English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) endorsement without having to pay the $10,000 tuition. The grant will also help 80 teachers complete six online courses through the College of Education over 18 months, culminating in the ESOL endorsement and work with community resources to build bridges with families of emergent bilingual students. “Teachers have been asking for resources to teach English learners more effectively,” says Karen Thompson, an assistant professor who is leading TEAMS. “This program will ensure that teachers have the best possible preparation for working with this group of students.”
The Working Students Success Network
The Working Students Success Network (WSSN) began in 2014 and involved 19 colleges and state partners in four states around the nation. The WSSN strategy was developed to help low-income students reach financial stability and move up the economic ladder by promoting an innovative framework that strategically integrate three distinct areas in education and employment advancement, income and work supports, and financial services and asset building. Cindy Lenhart, a PhD student in the Science and Math Education program and a senior fellow with Achieving the Dream, co-authored a brief addressing food insecurity among community college students. It is intended to provide insights and strategies both for establishing a food pantry and for integrating that work with a broader set of community college student support services to systematically address their multiple needs. Another outcome of the WSSN initiative is a guidebook designed to help colleges redesign and enhance their student support services to address issues related to financial insecurity.
Why Latin@s Become Greek: Exploring Why Latin@s Join Latino Greek-Letter Organizations
Lucy Arellano's study explored the reasons Latin@s join Latino fraternities and Latina sororities at a university in the southwestern United States.
Using nature as a therapeutic partner
Ryan Reese, an assistant professor of counseling at Oregon State University-Cascades, agrees that a misconception often surrounds the idea of integrating nature into therapy. “[Clinicians] don’t have to take clients out into a wilderness setting in order for it to be EcoWellness or ecotherapy,” he says. “It can be at a park or walking on a trail that’s flat.”
A path-clearing book that provides a rich, in-depth account of the lived experiences of 39 transgender or trans* academics.
Managing Applied Social Research: Tools, Strategies, and Insights
Professor and Discipline Liaison for Adult and Higher Education at Oregon State University Darlene Russ-Eft is the author of a new book on essential management guidance for real-world applied research projects.