Grant & Contract Activity

Title Agency Recipient

COLDEX National Center Education Component Research. More information at

National Science Foundation

Bouwma-Gearhart, Jana L.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) Summit: A Seismic Shift in Promotion and Tenure (P&T). More information at 

National Science Foundation

Bouwma-Gearhart, Jana L.

Enabling Recognition of Translation for ART (Accelerating Research Translation) Awards

National Science Foundation

Bouwma-Gearhart, Jana L.

Language, Cultural Sustenance and Knowledge-building through Science (LaCuKnoS)

National Science Foundation Buxton, Cory
Developing and Researching K-12 Teacher Leaders Enacting Anti-bias Mathematics Education (DREAM) National Science Foundation Elliott, Rebekah

Designing Ambitious Mathematics Instructional Tools: A Collaborative Research-Practice Partnership

CPM Educational Program

Elliott, Rebekah

Building Quantitative Capacity in Contextualized STEM Education Research

National Science Foundation

Giamellaro, Michael

Collaborative Research: Aerosols, Nitrogen Oxides, and Ozone from Wildfires and Global Pollution at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory

National Science Foundation

Giamellaro, Michael

Roundhouse Foundation Faculty Scholar of Science Education

Roundhouse Foundation

Giamellaro, Michael

Mapping the Landscape of Contextualization Research in Science Education

National Science Foundation

Giamellaro, Michael & Cory Buxton

RAPID: The Virtual Field: Educational mitigation for the Covid-19 Pandemic National Science Foundation Giamellaro, Michael; O'Connell, Kari

From Data to Equity: Exploring Data Accessibility and Analysis in Washington State

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Nguyen, Bach Mai Dolly

RAISE: C-Accel Pilot - Track B1: Analytics-Driven Accessible Pathways To Impacts-Validated Education (ADAPTIVE)

National Science Foundation

Storksdieck, Martin

The Circuit: A Platform for Increasing Access to and Deepening Participation in Public Engagement in Science

National Science Foundation

Storksdieck, Martin

STEM Matters: Investigating the Confluence of Visitor and Institutional Learning Agenda


Storksdieck, Martin

Research and Development on Understanding STEM Identity Using Live Experiences

Pratt Institute

Storksdieck, Martin, O'Connell, Kari, & Keys, Brianna

Collaborative Research: ITEST Strategies: Girl ARTS (Augmented-Reality Targeting Science)

National Science Foundation

Storksdieck, Martin

Curiosity Machine


Storksdieck, Martin, Riedinger, Kelly & Bonebrake, Victoria

U-FERN: Undergraduate Field Experiences Network

National Science Foundation 

Storksdieck, Martin, O’Connell, Kari, Nilson, Robi & Risien, Julie

An Evidence-based Informal STEM Learning (ISL) Professional Framework National Science Foundation Storksdieck, Martin

Teachers Educating All Multilingual Students 2.0

U.S. Department of Education Karen Thompson (PI); Grant Coordinator: Nelly Patiño-Cabrera; Co-Investigators: Soria Colomer, Amanda Kibler, Kathryn McIntosh
National Research and Development Center to Approve Education for Secondary English Learners U.S. Department of Education Karen Thompson (Co-PI), Amanda Kibler (Co-PI); PI at WestEd is Aída Walquí


Additional Resources

Growing from a partnership between the Colleges of Science and Education, the STEM Research Center provides a nexus for research on STEM learning and outreach across the campus, across communities, and across the lifespan.  The Center engages colleges across the university including Agriculture, Forestry, Business, Engineering, Public Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts, Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, and OSU Statewide Public Service. To find out more about the grants and contracts supported by the STEM Research Center please go to their Research and Projects page.

Read hundreds of doctoral dissertations, available online through the OSU Library.