The Macau Teaching Experience is a quarter-long field opportunity offered to all OSU students through the College of Education. Through participation in this study abroad experience, students will gain experience teaching English and general studies in a classroom at the Hou Kong Premier School in Macau, China. We are able to provide this opportunity through a partnership with Central Washington University. As such, each term, OSU students will work closely with both OSU and CWU faculty and students.

More Information: Randy Bell, Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, [email protected] or 541-737-6387.


More Information

  • Students take 2 Ecampus classes for 12 credits: ED 309, Practicum, and ED 402, Macau Independent Study. 
  • The internship is offered fall/winter/spring terms for ten weeks and summer term for five-weeks
  • ED 309 and ED 402 can count toward an Education Minor.
  • For Education majors, this program will satisfy your ED 309 requirement for the Double Degree or the MS program.

The program is valued for its exposure to cultural diversity and the opportunity to work with English language learners. Furthermore, Hou Kong Premier School is always looking to add native English speakers to their staff and school, so, this experience opens the door for students to teach internationally after they graduate.

In this program, we carefully match students with an English speaking cooperating teacher based on the student’s grade level of interest. Students will co-teach, five days per week, with their cooperating teacher in a K-12 Macau classroom of 25-30 children. An OSU student’s primary responsibility is to teach English; however, there are many opportunities to teach across disciplines. Furthermore, the CWU administration team spends the first two weeks of every term in Macau to help acclimate both OSU and CWU students. They then return to Macau to facilitate the closure of the experience.

Students live on-site in apartments provided by the Hou Kong School. They are given $100 per week stipend for meals and expenses and are reimbursed for half the airfare, up to $750. The school is located in a friendly neighborhood with parks, restaurants and shopping nearby. Students also have the opportunity to travel in and around Asia on weekends and over school holidays. Many students take the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong, Beijing, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia during the quarter.