Luis Alcazar photo

Luis Alcázar


  • MS, Engineering Management, California State University, East Bay
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
  • Curriculum Vitae

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Gloria Crisp

Research, teaching, and/or practice focus or expertise:

Community college leadership

Indigenous Mexican college students' layered liminal statuses

Indigenous methodologies Impact of settler colonial structures on

Indigenous college student experiences

Research Projects:

Understanding how the layered liminal statuses of Mexican Indigenous students emerge in their experiences in higher education.

Leah Arambel photo

Leah Arambel


  • Ph.D., in progress, Adult and Higher Education, Oregon State University
  • M.A., May 2003, English Composition, San Francisco State University
  • Certificate, May 2003, Post-Secondary Reading Instruction, San Francisco State University
  • B.A., June 1999, English Literature, University of California Davis
  • Curriculum Vitae

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Tenisha Tevis

Research, teaching, and/or practice focus or expertise:

Developmental education in community colleges

Reading across the discipline programs

Integration of reading and writing

Research Projects:

Equity in developmental education

State-policy reform and the influence on community college outcomes

The effect of cumulative inequality on community college students

Bradley Kendrex photo

Bradley Kendrex


  • MPA, Public Administration, Arizona State University
  • BS, Accountancy, Arizona State University

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Tenisha Tevis

Research, teaching, and/or practice focus or expertise:

Financial issues in higher education

Public policy in higher education

Community colleges

Research Projects:

The Impact of Operating Budget Fluctuations on Community College Spending Priorities and Outcomes

Phillip Mitchell photo

Phillip E. Mitchell


Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Gloria Crisp

Research, teaching, and/or practice focus or expertise:

Inequalities in Rural Health

Medical Education

Narrative Inquiry

Interprofessional Education and Practice



Natalie Rooney


  • M.Ed., Higher Education & Student Affairs, University of South Carolina
  • B.J., Magazine Journalism, University of Missouri
  • Curriculum Vitae

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Gloria Crisp

Research, teaching, and/or practice focus or expertise:

Orientation, transition and retention of college students

College admissions and visit programs

Fraternity and sorority life

Research Projects:

Examining research published in higher education journals over the past 10 years related to race/ethnicity to determine theoretical frameworks used

Jeff Sherman photo

Jeff Sherman


  • MS, Agricultural Education, Oregon State University
  • BS, Agriculture, Oregon State University
  • Curriculum Vitae

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Gloria Crisp

Research, teaching, and/or practice focus or expertise:

Oregon Community College transfer students

Historically marginalized student services

Community engagement and the University Extension Service's role in rural student support

Research Projects:

USDA-NIFA New Beginnings for Tribal Student Success, partnership with OSU Extension and Southwestern Oregon Community College

The Ford Family Foundation, Statewide Juntos Expansion

Meyer Memorial Trust, Metropolitan Juntos pilot


L. Fountain Williams


  • EDD, Adult and Higher Education, Oregon State University
  • MS, Higher Education Leadership, University of Rochester
  • MS, Strategic Leadership, Roberts Wesleyan College
  • BS, Accounting, SUNY College at Brockport

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Tenisha Tevis

Research, teaching, and/or practice focus or expertise:

Gender Studies

Business Strategy

Adult English Language Learners

Research Projects:

Higher education leadership selection

Distant Learning: TEFL Adult learners