Taskstream for Cooperating Teachers
Check out Taskstream First
You should have received an email with your password from Taskstream. Go to Taskstream.com and log in using your email and the password provided by Taskstream.
- If you’ve having difficulty logging in for any reason, first try clicking “Forgot Login?” and follow the prompts. First time users will be able to create a password and current users will be able to reset their password.
- Email Nick Cabot if you cannot log on or did not get an email. [email protected]
- Once you log on, you can change your password.
Before you observe
- Remind your student teacher to load their lesson plan on Taskstream under formal observation for cooperating teacher (in the first or second section depending on part time or full time)
- Common mistake by the student is that they will load it under supervisor observation and not cooperating teacher. If there is nothing in your observation column to evaluate then this is what has occurred.
- Check the night before that they have loaded the lesson plan and you can read it. Taskstream will not allow you to score the observation online if the student does not load their lesson ahead of time.
- Hard copies of the observation forms will be available on the College of Education website if you would like to complete the observation on paper. You may then go back and enter the information online at a later date.
Click on the appropriate Directed Response Folio. Image
The student’s names will scroll down the left side of the page and the section assignments will scroll across the top of the page. You will ONLY see the student(s) who have submitted work to you at least once. Select the correct column and click the Evaluate button.
If it says work not started, then the student has not uploaded their lesson plan. If it shows an hourglass then the student may have uploaded their lesson plan but they have not submitted it. If you do not see your student, then they have not yet submitted any assignments to you for evaluation.
Once you have clicked Evaluate any attachments or forms should be visible under file attachment. You can open these into a separate screen. To evaluate the assignment go to Score Work.
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Fill out your evaluation (usually a rubric), then, at the bottom, select Record as final and release evaluation to author now. There are two other options, however, if you all things are normal you will only need this one. Then click on Submit Evaluation Now. Your student can then see what you have recorded.
Disposition form
The disposition form is a non-submission requirement. The student will not submit it to you but you will need to go in and evaluate the one that is available to the Cooperating teacher each term.
Team Evaluation Form
- The team evaluate begins with a discussion between the Cooperating Teacher, University Supervisor, and the student. These three should evaluate together the work done by the student and come to a consensus. Then it is the supervisor’s responsibility to entering the agreed upon scores. This can be done concurrent with your discussion or after you have finished your discussion. Some of the DRFs require the student to submit a self-evaluation to begin this process. If your DRF is one of those, the supervisor will not be able to enter the evaluation until the student has done so.
Log of Hours
The Master’s program request that the Cooperating teacher review and approve the log of hours submitted by the student. Students should submit the log directly to you and you should record a “Meets requirement” if you agree with the hours. If you do not believe the hours are correct, please send them back to the student with notes on what you believe to be inaccurate. The student can then submit them to you again.
Students will not be allowed to move on to full time student teaching, receive grades for student teaching or receive their license until all the work is completed on Taskstream. Please make sure you complete all the necessary forms by the end of the term. Your student teacher is responsible for reminding you and making sure the work is completed.
- If you cannot evaluate work from a student, you will need to contact the student to upload and or submit their work.
- If you decide not to evaluate something, make sure you click Cancel and Evaluate Later. If you just log out or go back to the grid after viewing the work than you have locked the work and only you can now see or evaluate it.
- If you want to see all work, and all documents for the students that you have access to make sure that when you log on, on the home screen, you click on your DRF and then select the student you want to see. If you go into the Needs to be Evaluated you will only see the work submitted directly to you. If there are any non-submission requirements or if you need to look at the work a CT has evaluated you will not be able to see if from that menu.
Comments: Please make note of any other tips or troubles you have using Taskstream that you would like to see on this page for future use.
Item to be evaluated | Evaluator to be chosen on Taskstream |
Before Program | |
Application for Program | Sara Wright |
Content Mastery |
Sara Wright |
All test scores (that requires student submission) | Sara Wright |
Student Teaching |
Observation by Cooperating Teacher |
CT who is doing the actual evaluation |
Observation by Supervisor |
Student's supervisor |
Team evaluation conference | Supervisor |
Log of Hours | Instructor for ED 410/SED 410 |
Capstone/Master's Project |
Sara Wright |
Licensure Request |
Karyn Costello |