Holly Thompson, counselor of Rowe middle school, in North Clackamas school district was named the 2015 School Counselor of the Year during the Fall Oregon School Counselors Conference.
Holly graduated with her Bachelors of Science in Liberal Studies from Eastern Oregon University, she also earned her Masters of Education from Lewis and Clark graduate school in Portland Oregon and is currently working on her PhD in Counseling with Oregon State University.
Holly is currently serving as president elect of the Oregon School Counselor Association and a strong advocate for the profession of school counseling.
Holly’s references shared that she “is one of those rare individuals whose talents are beyond her years", that "Her compelling story her passion to help kids and her tenacity to advocate is unstoppable" and that "Her knowledge of the stages of academic and emotional development is deep and her personal wisdom she brings to the table is immeasurable."
Holly will represent Oregon as a nominee for American School Counselor of the Year.
This announcement comes on the heels of National School Counseling Week, #NSCW16, Feb. 1-5, 2016. Please take this opportunity to educate yourself about what school counselors are trained to do and say thank you to school counselors across the state.