The College of Education at Oregon State University will be guided by six interrelated goals in its 2022-26 Strategic Plan. Each of these goals is presented below, along with objectives to achieve them, in connection with goal dates and responsible parties to ensure their completion.

See the Entire Plan


Callout Title


The College of Education at Oregon State University develops change agents in the form of researchers, learning leaders, teachers, higher education professionals and counselors.

Callout Title


The College of Education strives to be a leader in innovative and socially just research, teaching and engagement through responsive approaches for supporting current and future change agents in education, counseling and higher education in Oregon and beyond.

Callout Title


Social justice | Innovation | Praxis | Reflection | Integrity


Centering Our Students

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

To better understand the full array of student needs,
we will administer regular surveys and conduct focus groups with our students.

Climate — every two years

Director of Data, Accreditation and Assessment 

2024 and 2026

Advising — annually with advisees 

Head Advisors


Curriculum — every three years 



Exit — conducted every year

Director of DAA


Alumni — every two years 

Oregon Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

Director of DAA

2024 and 2026

We will solicit student feedback in our coursework.

We will initiate conversations with College of Education faculty to discuss the integration of additional student feedback (beyond Student Learning Experience data) in promotion and tenure criteria.


Director of DAA


We will target a collegewide completion rate of SLE surveys of 70%.



Spring 2026

We will engage in conversations about how to improve response rates.

Leadership Team


Fall 2022

We will provide opportunities to identify and respond to student financial needs.

We will create a student financial needs assessment process to respond to students’ financial and resource needs and evaluate its usefulness. 

Dean’s Office

Spring 2022

We will provide training to faculty and staff on the resources available to students and destigmatizing use of these resources.

Teacher Ed and Counseling Head Advisors


We will create a website with all centralized resources, program-specific financial resources, scholarships, grants and other financial opportunities, along with a link to the form.

Dean’s Office

Fall 2022

We will expand academic advising and peer support for undergraduate students.

We will create an Advising Center to support our move toward a four-year teaching major, undergraduate transfer experience and the 2+2 programs with Oregon community colleges.

Dean’s Office

Teacher Education Head Advisor

Spring 2024

The Head Advisors in Teacher Education and Counseling will collaborate to sponsor one annual event for the university that is focused on advising issues.

Head Advisors


The Advising Center will hire additional staff to support head advisors’ efforts and fully support increasing undergraduate enrollment.

Teacher Education Head Advisor

Fall 2022-Fall 2025

The Advising Center will work in collaboration with Ecampus to ensure seamless advising support for all undergraduate students, regardless of modality.

Teacher Education Head Advisor

Fall 2023

Through Oregon Educator Equity grant funding, we will hire an outreach, recruitment and retention specialist with a focus on underrepresented and linguistically diverse students.

Dean’s Office

Summer 2022-Summer 2023

The Advising Center and College Ambassador teams will create opportunities to engage with prospective students on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. Ambassadors will also offer community-building events to current students at least once a term. 

Teacher Education Head Advisor

College Ambassadors


Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will sponsor an annual celebration of teaching event in June to provide opportunities to encourage collaboration and sharing of teaching resources.

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


We will create a centralized website with a curated list of pedagogical resources for instructors and students organized by an annual theme.

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Teaching and Learning Committee


We will capitalize on existing assessment and accreditation efforts to ensure relevant and updated curricula across all programs that reflect our values and student needs, following a collegewide template.


Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


We will expect each program to provide an overview of curricular updates in the college’s annual report as a response to data collected from students in Graduate Learning Outcome reports.



As hiring opportunities become available, we will seek to expand our staff and faculty to be reflective of our increasing racial and ethnic diversity with a goal of 40% faculty and staff of color by 2026.

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will create a college-specific required training for all search committees with a focus on recruiting and hiring from diverse candidate pools, building off current Search Advocate training.


Manager of Operations

Summer 2022

We will ensure that all search committees complete the college and university-based trainings.

Manager of Operations

Fall 2022

We will implement a new required diversity, equity and inclusion statement for all job advertisements.


Manager of Operations

Fall 2022

We will ensure that all searches incorporate an OSU Search Advocate on the committee.

Manager of Operations

Fall 2022

We will provide a comprehensive onboarding and orientation process for all new hires.

Manager of Operations

Fall 2022

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will provide semiannual trainings for faculty and staff related to topics such as disability access and accommodation, inclusive teaching practices and creating welcoming spaces and a sense of belonging

Welcoming Spaces Committee

Head Advisor


College Ambassadors will sponsor one annual event focused on critical topics of education for students.

Head Advisor

College Ambassadors


Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will examine our data as a college and by academic programs on an annual basis to determine trends in student retention by demographic groups and take action to address areas for improvement.

Director of DAA 




We will meet annually with students to offer an opportunity to voice their concerns and recommendations. 



Connecting With Our Communities

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will collect and provide an overview of all community partnerships in the annual report.

Faculty and Staff



We will utilize annual report partnership data to ascertain the gaps in the college’s current efforts throughout Oregon and plan associated strategies.

Community and Outreach Committee

Leadership Team


We will conduct a survey with our community partners every four years. 

C&O Committee

Director of DAA


Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will continue to engage with existing and future partners in each academic program to host or co-sponsor one event biannually that involves external partners.





We will identify at least one geographic area of Oregon that will be visited each year to understand their needs and our connections with them.

Leadership Team



We will provide training to research-focused faculty on engaging with policymakers on a biennial basis.  

Associate Dean of Research

2023 and 2025

Creating and Sharing Our Knowledge

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will create and annually review a College of Education research statement reflecting Oregon State’s R1 status.

Research and Scholarship Committee

Leadership Team


We will engage faculty in articulating scholarship expectations for college promotion and tenure guidelines.

Assoc Dean of Academic Affairs

Associate Dean of Research


Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will sponsor a regular research seminar to highlight collegewide scholarship.

Associate Dean of Research

Fall 2022

We will host an annual external-facing evening event highlighting faculty and graduate student scholarship. 

Associate Dean of Research


We will create and rotate monthly features on the college website and on social media focusing on new research activity or output/impact.

Coordinator of Marketing

Associate Dean of Research

R&S Committee

Fall 2022

We will recognize faculty and graduate student scholarship through peer-nominated annual awards. 

Dean’s Office


We will establish the Patricia Valian Reser Endowed Faculty Scholar position for a tenured faculty member on a rotating three-year appointment.

R&S Committee

Dean’s Office

2022 and 2024

We will collect data on outputs/impacts of research/scholarship from relevant faculty members, for inclusion in the annual report.




We will monitor our research activities and outputs/impacts on a quarterly basis and provide updates through all-college meetings and the website.

Associate Dean of Research

Director of DAA

R&S Committee


Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will hire a financial specialist to provide pre- and post-award support for researchers.

Dean’s Office

Spring 2022

We will incentivize extramural funding efforts through the promotion and tenure process through its incorporation into college criteria.


Associate Dean of Research

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Fall 2023

We will provide clarity of extramural funding efforts in annual workload and annual review guidelines for supervisors and faculty.

Leadership Team

Associate Dean of Research

Fall 2023

We will fundraise for and award competitive seed funding opportunities for faculty in the college.


Associate Dean of Research

R&S Committee

Fall 2025

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will hold annual meetings with the various research-track faculty about scholarship expectations. 

Associate Dean of Research

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


Fall 2022

We will support research-track faculty through a formal mentoring program to assist in the development of research-specific skills.

Associate Dean of Research


Fall 2023

We will provide mentor training for faculty engaging in the mentoring program related to scholarship.

Associate Dean of Research


Fall 2023

We will annually evaluate the mentoring program in the college.

Director of DAA

Spring 2024

We will incentivize mentoring activities through workload forms and annual evaluations. 



Spring 2024

We will provide annual professional development opportunities for graduate students on research and career pathways.

Dean’s Office


Supporting Our Staff and Faculty

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will create a work-life balance statement for the college that is publicly posted on the website, social media and in the college handbook.

Leadership Team

Spring 2023

We will establish and post clear guidelines around setting and communicating working hours and flexibility in work locations.

Leadership Team

Spring 2023

We will determine and post clear guidelines around communications (email, messaging), availability and response times.

Leadership Team

Spring 2023

We will conduct a college climate survey of employees every two years and share results at an all-college meeting for recommendations and action plans.

Director of DAA

Leadership Team


Winter 2023 and 2025

We will require a work-life balance statement in all job postings.

Leadership Team

Manager of Operations

Fall 2022

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will require that supervisors check in with supervisees mid-year regarding progress on annual goals and promotion guidelines.

Leadership Team

Manager of Operations


Winter 2023

We will provide supervisors with resources to assist supervisees in work-life balance strategies during the annual evaluation process.

Leadership Team

Manager of Operations


Spring 2023

We will identify funding to ensure all employees have an opportunity to attend at least one professional development activity each year.


Manager of Finance


We will implement and make public the rank minimum salary expectations for all employee classifications.


Manager of Operations

Spring 2022

We will encourage eligible faculty to engage in sabbatical leaves as part of the career development experience.

Leadership Team

Fall 2022

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will hold monthly community building events for the college.


Manager of Operations


The dean will sponsor annual gatherings with employees to discuss items of concern.



We will recognize employee contributions through college awards.

Governance Committees

Dean’s Office


Telling Our Story

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will create a strategic marketing plan for the college that incorporates all forms of media with a special emphasis on a social media playbook for recruitment purposes.

Coordinator of Marketing


Winter 2023

We will engage with University Relations and Marketing to identify and promote our unique contributions as a college.

Leadership Team



We will create a series of videos to feature unique contributions online.

Dean’s Office


We will redesign the college website with our unique contributions in mind.

Coordinator of Marketing



We will work with Enrollment Management and the Graduate School to incorporate student experiences and perspectives in the marketing of the college. 

Dean’s Office



We will engage in a market/reputation analysis of potential students for our academic programs.

Coordinator of Marketing



We will create a podcast that highlights faculty, staff and student achievements in various areas.

Coordinator of Marketing


Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will utilize data, marketing analytics and input collected from prospective students and stakeholders to produce an annual report on marketing efforts.

Coordinator of Marketing


We will monitor our efforts on the strategic plan and provide an annual update on our progress.

Leadership Team



Ensuring Our Vitality

Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will hire a strategic financial manager to assist us in developing program-specific budgets.

Dean’s Office

Spring 2022

We will create changes to our accounting structure to align it to our organization, including program-level budgets and revenue targets by program.

Manager of Finance
Manager of Operations

Chairs and Leads


Winter 2023

We will develop an in-depth understanding of our expense and revenue drivers, in order to identify areas of potential growth and where reductions need to be made.

Manager of Finance


Spring 2023

We will create enrollment targets for each academic program in the college by demographic groups.

Manager of Finance

Leadership Team


Spring 2023

We will increase our recruiting capacity for our various academic programs, determining where capacity for growth exists and providing support to grow through marketing and outreach.

Head Advisors and Recruiters

Leadership Team

Leads and Chairs

Coordinator of Marketing

Fall 2023

We will track progress on expenditures and revenue by program and provide quarterly updates to programs. 

Manager of Finance


Spring 2023

We will create clear and understandable financial policies.

Manager of Finance

Manager of Operations

Leadership Team


We will provide biannual budget updates at all-college meetings.

Manager of Finance



We will develop a timeline and plan for community support for the college.

Manager of Finance



Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will work with the OSU Foundation to create a capital campaign strategy to maximize philanthropic impact in OSU’s second comprehensive campaign.


OSU Foundation

Alumni and Friends Leadership Circle


We will hold one social event each year with alumni and development stakeholders.


Executive Assistant



We will provide opportunities for alumni and donors to engage with our students and faculty annually. 


Leadership Team



We will provide training related to development for faculty leaders and department heads.




We will establish meetings and other opportunities for faculty leaders to engage with potential donors.





We will set aggressive goals to grow fundraising by 5 to 10% per year, based on our five-year rolling average.


Leadership Team



We will have meaningful contact with 50 donors and/or prospective donors each year.


Leadership Team


Goals and Objectives

Responsible Parties

Goal Date

We will conduct a biennial scan of potential new academic programs through an analysis of the market and peer institutions and determine staffing needs for potential growth. 

Director of DAA

Leadership Team

Leads and Chairs

Manager of Finance

2023 and 2025

We will add at least one new noncredit offering each year to the Professional Development for Educators portfolio.

Manager of Professional Development for Educators


We will work with the other public universities in Oregon and OSU stakeholders to identify new opportunities for collaboration as well as unique contributions in academic and noncredit spaces. 

Leadership Team

Dean’s Office
