Light filtered through the tree tops

The STEM Research Center

The Center mission is to conduct applied research with a broad range of partners and nurture communities toward improved systems of STEM learning for all. 

The research focus of the center includes a diverse suite of research and evaluation efforts focused on how people with diverse backgrounds and life circumstances build knowledge and understanding about STEM, develop identities as STEM learners and dispositions to engage with STEM-related issues, and ultimately build capacity to apply that knowledge and understanding to their daily and professional lives

The EcoWellness Lab

This Lab at OSU's Cascades campus focuses on connection with non-human nature and how an intentional and contextual affiliation might be integrated effectively into helping and educational settings. Our goal is to contribute to research and practice that positively impacts our species’ long-term connection with issues related to global sustainability to ensure the longevity of our species and planet for generations to come.