
Coursework for the Education PhD Language, Equity and Educational Policy Option

This is a Corvallis campus-based program. The Education PhD classes are held face to face on the Corvallis campus.
To see course descriptions, search for the class in the catalog and select "all terms."


Core Courses: Research Methodology 

(Taken during the first year of doctoral program)

  • ED 620 Research and Epistemologies (Fall term, 3 credit) (formerly SED 580)
  • ED 622 Qualitative Research Techniques (Winter term 3 credit) (formerly SED 622)
  • ED 624 Quantitative Research Design and Critical Analysis (Spring term 3 credit) (formerly SED 612)


Additional Core Courses

  • ED 607 Seminar (taken first year - fall, winter, spring – 1 credit/term)
  • ED 609 or SED 615 Practicum/Clinical Experience  (minimum 3/maximum 9 credits)
  • ED 603 Dissertation (minimum 36 credits)


Research Content Courses for the LEEP Option

(Content courses are offered in a two-year rotation)

  • ED 650 Equity and Education Policy  (3 credit)
  • ED 651 Research Bilingualism and Multilingualism  (3 credit)
  • ED 652 Ethnographic Methods  (3 credit)
  • ED 653 Discourse, Identity in Education (3 credit)


Additional Course Work

The student’s course selection is to be reviewed by a program major professor (faculty advisor) and the doctoral committee for input and guidance. 
Two Additional Methods courses
Additional methods courses focus on advanced research methods. Possible courses include:
STAT 511, 512; ANTH 591, 596, 598; HDFS 538, 539; PSY 580. For course descriptions see the catalog.

  • Additional courses approved by the student’s major professor.
  • Additional program courses available in the Agricultural Education and Science/Mathematics Education Options
  • Electives may include human development, psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, philosophy, technology, education, and women studies.
  • May include coursework completed for a master’s degree or equivalent.


Minimum credits = 108


For more information:

[email protected]