Certificate Curricula
Informal Learning in Museums Professional Certificate (5)
Examining Learners Own ideas: Personal Dimensions of Informal Learning
Designing Learning Environments: Physical Dimensions of Free Choice Learning
Developing Effective Evaluation Studies
Developing STEM/STEAM Curriculum Online Course
Understanding Cultural Influence: Sociocultural Dimensions of Museum and Informal/Free-Choice Learning
E-learning and Instructional Design and Development Certificate (5)
A) Designing Effective eLearning (offered 1/8 – 2/18)
B) Exploring eLearning Tools (offered 9/17 – 10/28)
C) Developing and Implementing eLearning (offered 1/8 – 2/18)
D) E-Learning Assessment and Evaluation (offered 2/26 – 4/8) (This course is changing into two separate courses):
Assessment for eLearning
Evaluating eLearning Programs
E) E-learning practicum (offered 1/8 – 2/18 and 4/16 – 5/27)
The certificate offers sequential courses beginning in Summer or Winter.
Master Interpretive Guide Professional Guide Certificate (4)
Foundations of Interpretation: The Interpretive Setting
Developing a Message: Crafting Themes
Designing the Message
Sharing the Message
Stand alone courses
Introduction to eLearning and Instructional Design Online
- Adult Learning
- Hybrid and Blended Course Design