K-2: Teaching Early Literacy from a Multilingual Perspective-Paid Stipend

This online course will provide you with opportunities to learn from experts and current practitioners in multilingualism and early literacy and to engage in hands-on activities through which you will learn about your students, reflect on your early literacy teaching, and develop practical resources. 

This course is open to any K-2 educators who work in classrooms with multilingual students in a school district in Oregon, including classroom teachers, language specialists, and literacy specialists. We especially encourage teachers to co-enroll as a team with other teachers with whom they collaborate.


Fluid Image
Children in a classroom
  1. Free No-Cost Option offers 80 PDUs/8 CEUs awarded upon completion.

  2. The course may be taken for 3 graduate credits, dependent upon participants’ registration as a non-degree student and submission of a portfolio assignment. Tuition for the graduate credit option is $1715 and will be billed to separately to the student or their district, once the participants' eligibility is verified.

  3. Educators who complete all course components (either for non-credit or graduate credits) will receive a $1000 stipend, which will be paid through their district. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

You will spend 6-8 hours per week on this course. The course will run for ten weeks in total. Each week, we expect that you will spend this time exploring online learning materials, participating in online activities and assignments via OSU’s Canvas platform, and completing tasks in your classroom. We will also offer optional synchronous Zoom sessions as alternatives or supplements to some activities. 

The online portion of the course is asynchronous, although we will structure each week’s participation in ways that will guide you through the learning at a reasonable pace. There will be optional synchronous Zoom sessions, but these are not required. 

There is limited availability, so please register as soon as possible. Enrollment will be confirmed once your application is reviewed and your eligibility for the course is confirmed. Registration will close on March 25th or when the class is full.

Amanda Kibler: [email protected]

Barb Soisson: [email protected]


Continue your educational journey with the College of Education through these additional programs.


Anti-Racism for K-12

Considering the current and ongoing challenges we face as a nation with regard to racial justice, this antiracist seminar for professional teachers allows an opportunity to take this journey alongside experts who have lived experiences confronting racism in the educational system. This seminar is aimed to support K-12 teachers as they seek to become critical, antiracist educators.

See Details

Estimated Full Program Cost
Completion Time
6-8 hours
Unit Credits
24 PDU/2.4 CEU

Peace Literacy 1 - Aggression: Its Causes, Anatomy, and Alternatives

This course is in collaboration with Oregon State University, School of History, Philosophy, and Religion, Peace Literacy Institute. It is designed for educators and community leaders focused on the practice of peace. For more information, visit the Peace Literacy Institute.

Program details

Estimated Full Program Cost
Completion Time
5 weeks
Unit Credits
20 PDU/2.0 CEU